Players are expected to participate the entire ‘Game Day time period’ unless they have something unique going on at school: one-time piano recital, one time science fair, etc. After the first three players bat, switch them to defense, 1:55 – 2:00            Wrap-up:      “Baseball/Softball is a Game of Movement”, (Note: start practice 15-30 minutes prior to your assigned field time – don’t need the field except for Scrimmage), Pre- Practice     Whiffle Ball Batting (or any activity except kids playing catch on their own), 0:00 - 0:10       Teach: Ground Ball Footwork, 0:10 - 0:20        20’ Ground Balls  (see Skill Building Warm-up  -  'Fielding'), (3 min)       Group 1:    Balls to their LEFT, (3 min)       Group 2:    6-4 Play - shortstop to second baseman  (Skill Building Warm-up - "Fielding"), (3 min)       Group 3:    Balls to their RIGHT, 0:20 - 0:30        Toss Drills (fly balls) - angling in (see Skill Building Warm-up  "Fielding"), 0:35 - 0:40        Receiving Throws (“Move Feet to Catch)  -  review teaching and run the kids through the movement, 0:40 - 0:55        Throwing Mechanics  (review), (7 min.) Either you understand this statement or will figure it out after the first practice or two. And for those who hate penalties … I hope there is something you can take away from here that is helpful to your scope of practice, whether you are a player, coach, parent or administrator. 5 Basketball Drills for High School Players. Catching and throwing practice drills that involve the entire team, are fun and fast paced and practical for improving defensive skills are what we are looking for. It is simple, fast paced, easy to organize and takes up little practice space. When it comes to crafting effective group sessions — whether little league practice plans or high school baseball practice plans — there’s a lot of information out there. Infielders: 15’ from the base, 2. If we leave them standing and lose their attention and it is a challenge to re-engage them. Use your baseball lesson plans to plan practice with incredible, fun, instructional and competitive fielding drills. Click here to read about the. At Basketball For Coaches, we break down a typical practice into 5 sections…1. Make every effort to avoid cancelling practices unless there are extreme circumstances. There is too much going on with three groups; wait 'til the kids get accustomed to the environment before running the drill w/three groups. Then I got to college. Team Strategies 4. Check out the dynamic team youth practice drills here on the. The skills of throwing and receiving throw are the foundation of the game. A recent baseball practice I witnessed was a disaster. (video: 'Batting Practice - A 12-Player Drill), (Video: ‘Batting Practice – A 12-Player Drill’). Start with our first throwing drill and find out how to shoot a bow and arrow. Making this rule stick is not as simple as telling them one time; even though we point out the safety hazzard. Holler to defense where to throw the ball during the play, 3…. Note: No ‘“one mores”. Wild Pitch / Passed Ball Communication (see Drills page), Batting & Throwing Drills (2 each; sets of 5), Position Player actions – “Move feet to throw, move feet to catch”, Cut-Relay Player Footwork Drill  (see Playing Catch Practice page Part III - 'Cut, Relay Player Footwork'), Two Bases Relay Game – runner scoring from second base  (see Drills page), 0:55 - 1:20      Bating Practice                 (Video: ‘Batting Practice – A 12-Player Drill’), Defensive Rules, Positional Responsibilities, Communication - as needed, Pre-Practice  Wiffle Ball Batting  (see ‘Coaching Guide - Table of Contents - Info on This Page - Whiffle Ball Batting’), 1. Take a sneak peek under the hood and see how PRO baseball coaches approach youth baseball coaching. If a player swings and misses on their eighth swing we tell them, “Good Swing!! Baseball Practice Plans Old School Style. High School Baseball Manual. Backing up Bases – Outfield, (INFO:'Defensive Positional Responsibilities' page), Coach pitches from 20’-30’, pitcher plays from rubber. Suggestion: tell the batter when they have two or three swings left, so they understand they soon will be done batting. In general, you’ll want to limit this throwing duration to around 15 minutes. Who in their right mind would come back year after year and have boring baseball practice and never improve their baseball skills? It is a solid framework for having structure and cohesiveness for practices for the season. Go to Three Team It page for my baseball practice plan template. 1-6 Play - "Turn Glove Side”  (see SBW - ‘Pitchers Fielding’), 3. If you want sport-specific training you need to practice. In many cases, when on player is chasing a ball, the result is many other players’ skill building activity also comes to a halt. Using the Practice Plan Template in the Coaching Guide will help cut down on prep time. Throwing on the Run  (see SBW  ‘Underhand Toss / Throwing on the Run’), Position Player Actions – “Move feet to catch, move feet to throw”, Recovering Balls (see ‘Playing Catch Practice - Part III, Recovering Balls’), 0:25 - 0:40       Rundowns - “Ambush”   (see ‘Drills - Rundowns’), 0:40 - 0:55       Mass Ground Balls and Fly Balls    (see ‘Drills – Mass Ground Balls and Fly Balls’), 1:00 - 1:30        Batting  Practice                 (Video: ‘Batting Practice – A 12-Player Drill’), Recovering Ground Balls  (see ‘Playing Catch Practice - Part III, Recovering Balls’), 0:25 - 0:45     Ground Ball Communication  (see 'Drills - Ground Ball and Base Coverage Communication’), - 10 minutes: three drills involving Pitchers, - 10 minutes: three drills involving SS and/or 2b, 0:45 - 1:15       Batting Practice                    (Video: ‘Batting Practice – A 12-Player Drill’). This is another habit that will take a little extra time early in the season, but as you get more practices under your belt the time to plan and to position cones will drop down to almost nothing. Have each player tell their name, where they go to school, favorite pro player, etc. Throwing Drills (review)   -  â€œMove Feet to Throw”, -    Shuffle, Pull, Snap, Momentum (“Follow your head”), -    RULE:   You ARE NOT allowed to throw the ball if your partner is not in a “Ready Position”, -    Objectives/Focus:   Footwork: “Move feet to catch, Move feet to throw”, -    Coach Mindset:      Good throws and an increased percentage of caught balls, result                                                                                                                          good footwork (movement), 0:55 - 1:05         Defense Positional Movement (players switch groups after 5 minutes), Group 1:   Infield Base Coverage (see Defensive Positional Responsibilities page), Group 2:   Outfield - Backing up Bases (see Defensive Positional Responsibilities page), 1:15 - 1:35          Scrimmage --- each batter bats 1x (see Defensive Positional Responsibilities page), --- LF/RF have two bases to back up (some throwing angles to second base go more toward the LF or RF than the CF, --- LF/RF be aware of when backing up second base is the priority, (Note: practice can begin 1 hour prior to your assigned field time – don’t need the field except for Scrimmage), Pre- Practice    Whiffle Ball Batting (found on ‘Coaching Guide’ page), 0:00 - 0:05      Underhand Toss    /    Throwing on the Run  (Skill building Warm-up page; found under 'Fielding'), 0:05 - 0:15       20’ Ground Balls     (Skill building Warm-up page; found under 'Fielding'), (3 min)  Group 3: 4-6 underhand toss (Shortstop to the second baseman), 0:15 - 0:25       Receiving a Throw at a Base - “Cover the base with your eyes”, Tag Play at Third Base   (Skill Building Warm up page, found under 'Receiving Throws at a Base'), 0:25 - 0:35       Pitcher Defensive Responsibilities, Balls hit to the infield, 1. Realistically, It’s a three-year process for the players (and new coaches) to fully consume and digest this knowledge and be able to execute these skills. Instead of running the kids across the park and back, take them through a series of activities that develop baseball skills. Throw it, catch it, field it, and swing it all befroe every game. Pick three captains, and have them draft teams. The Mini-Diamond, which is used often throughout the season, is something that can be set up in seconds using cones. Catch, Tag and Throw using underhand toss - on mini diamond  (see Drills page - 'Catch, Tag and Throw'), 0:10 - 0:15     Teach: Cut-Relay Footwork Drill, (3 min)   Cut-Relay Player Footwork Drill (see Playing Catch Practice page Part III - 'Cut Relay Footwork'), 0:35 - 0:40     Teach: Cut-Relay to Home on Mini Diamond (see Drills page - 'Cut-Relay to Home'), 0:40 - 0:55     Drill: Cut-Relay to Home on Mini Diamond, - Two groups of six working on two separate mini diamonds, RULE: “Not allowed to throw the ball overhand after runners stop trying to advance”, 3.   “Get the ball to the middle of the infield” (to pitcher), (see Defensive Responsibilities, RULES - ‘Getting the Ball In To the Pitcher’), (Note: the first activities of practice do not require access to a diamond; base running can be done using throw down bases - this allows a team to start this practice 30 minutes prior to their assigned field time. Train/Discipline players to always RUN from spot to spot (establish concrete expectations and enforce them). My belief is the best definition of fun is ‘keeping active’. ), Pre-Practice    Whiffle Ball Batting (found on ‘Coaching Guide’ page), 1. Plan ahead where cones will be located on the field for each activity. Drop the broken system and step aside coaches. This is a controlled activity where teaching takes place throughout. Practice Plans. Practice #1 (Note: Practice can begin one hour prior to your assigned field time – a diamond is only needed for Scrimmage) Pre-Practice Whiffle Ball Batting - or any activity except kids playing catch on their own. Using a simulated game mini competition this fielding drill is a must for every youth baseball team. In high school, pre-season practices usually cover six weeks. As our team agreed on during our pre-season player meeting, we will be focusing on the following this season: 1) Defense (man to man) 2) Rebounding 3) Ball security (take care of the ball / minimize turnovers) 4) Offensive scoring fundamentals and skills. Day 1 – Practice Plan & Drills (Sophomores 2013/14) November 19, 2013 by Jeff Haefner Leave a Comment. Examples of activities include, Skill Station Rotation, Cuts-Relays, Fly Ball Communication, Rundowns, Positional Responsibility Drills, Base Running,  Mass Ground Balls and Fly Balls, etc. Our plans are specific to your age group and team. At least watch a youth baseball training video or coaching DVD. We want every possible moment of practice to involve skill building activities. Kids do understand that they need to practice to develop their skills, but they also have a strong desire to PLAY. The fantastic 15 Minute practice drill will add a powerful defensive training tool to your team practice plans and strategy. * It only takes an hour or so of your time. But if you want to become a better … This activity is often characterized by one kid batting and eleven kids standing out in the field shagging. ( Jan 25, 2021: Practice #1 has been ‘cleaned up’. Practices for little … When the excitement of opening day arrives, or the pre-season jamboree, our players are just starting to grasp what we have been teaching and are beginning to gel as a team, Often what happens unfortunately, as the season progresses, we see skills erode, This is a result of the kids not getting the practice reps that got them to the skill level we saw going into opening day. Synthetic Balls do not have a cloth component and resist water. A productive practice can be run using a covered walkway. 25 Youth Baseball Practice Plans • Perfect for 4th – 8th grade baseball teams. Defense Positioning, 2. Receiving a Throw at a Base. Do you want to give your players the best instruction, drills and training? Here's a "perfect practice plan" that will help you become a better coach, while giving your players the chance to … Infield Base Coverage, 2. These clearly indicate where kids are supposed to stand for drills and in other activities. Catch, Tag and Throw using underhand toss - on mini diamond, Cut-Relay Player Footwork Drill (see Playing Catch Practice page Part III - 'Cut Relay Footwork'), Mass Ground Balls and Fly Balls  (see Drills page ), 0:40 - 1:05       Batting Practice – “A 12 Player Drill”                 (Video), (For the first two drills below - VIDEO: Delivering Balls in Drills), 1. Proper movement, positioning and communication need to be understood and mastered to some extent before be add the throwing aspect to cement the execution of the activity. In youth baseball, it's particularly important to establish good habits early by implementing well-designed practice plans. Three Rules for Individuals on Defense (NEW) see Rules for Defensive: 0:20 - 0:25       Underhand Toss (see 'Skill Building Warm-up - Fielding - Underhand Toss/throwing on the Run'), 0:25 - 0:35       Infield Base Coverage / Outfielders Backing up Bases – “Baseball/Softball is a Game of Movement”, (see 'Defensive Positional Responsibilities' page), Two groups of six players - 5 minutes at each station, 0:35 – 0:50       Receiving a Throw at a Base, (Skill Building Warm up page, found under 'Receiving Throws at a Base'), 0:50 - 0:55                (this is an opportunity for coaches to talk over the second half of practice), 0:55 - 1:15           Playing Catch Practice – “The Most Important Part of the Day”, 15 min          Throwing Drills – Basic Mechanics  (Note: head and momentum in straight line), 1:15 – 1:30            Pitcher’s Fielding Practice (“PFP”) – Teach: “Turn Glove Side”  (see Drills page), 1-3 Play – pitcher fielding; underhand toss to first base, 1-6 Play – Pitcher fielding; overhand throw to second base (“Move Feet to Throw”), (see Drills page, ‘Pitchers Fielding Practice – Three Groups’). Make it clear this will not be tolerated under any circumstance. Our goal as coaches is to create a practice environment that is FUN as well as active, efficient and effective. Check out the most essential baseball practice drill for any amateur baseball, youth baseball, little league baseball, travel baseball, high school or college team. Follow our coaching tips that teaches pro style drills to make players smooth and polished in their throwing skills. They play just as well as leather, given the age group we are dealing with. Pitchers Backing up Bases  (see Defensive Positional Responsibilities - 'Pitchers Backing-up Bases'), 3. More importantly, the added weight (even after they have ‘dried’) puts a child’s arm at a much greater risk for injury. A scrimmage is not a willy-nilly activity, however. Why not turn your hour pre-game warmup routine into a full blown baseball practice plan? Click here for the essential, Return from Top Baseball Practice Tips to Youth Baseball Home Page Contact me, Yes Dave,  I Want to Help My Players Enjoy the GAME. It will take some time, and discipline (on our part as coaches), to train them that there are no exceptions to this rule. Bring mini-competition to your infield drills while you teach baseball basics. Standing and lose their attention and it is absolutely prohibited in many cases teams practice less.! First three kids bat and run a proper batting practice and play a scrimmage can balls. Teach and get my set up and run a proper batting practice pieces of equipment” on... Each batter bats 2x each play, the scrimmage serves as a great to. Usa 843 695-9630 Click here to read our privacy policy ball they were.... Few minutes of this activity the moment it starts for those who hate …... Notice that few practice activities require good baseball practice plans high school, a field or a Diamond is zero instruction, no organization... 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