Once you reach the long hallway littered with boxes and crates, turn left at the stairs and ignore the door that leads to your objective. Turn left into Dental Surgery and grab the tape recorder off the counter at the back. These can be found within the story, … You should see a tape recorder on the table in front of you. We’ve taken the liberty of digging our way through the vents and tunnels to bring you this complete guide to find all 151 of these juicy story-filled collectibles. The Game has total 151 Archive Logs, for the Achievement you need only 100 of them. This terminal is located at the top of a flight of stairs at the back of the lower room. 151 Torrens Coordinates – The Final Archive Log of this mission is acquired when you use the Observation terminals to locate the coordinates of the Torrens. If you want to read the Archive Logs from the terminals in my walkthrough of Alien: Isolation, then just pause the video and you can read them yourself. Move into the small room at the back right corner and grab the recorder off the bed. 129 Shutters Code; 128 I’m Coming to Find You; 127 Power Delivery – Head into Facility Management and turn into the door on your left. 107 Reformat Chamber; 108 Investigations – The next group of collectibles are found inside Seegson Synthetics Administration. Alien: Isolation archive logs — A list of archive logs found in the game. 005 Moved Out Stash; 006 Goodbye From Seegson; 007 Kill the Power - The next three logs you’ll need to pick up are located on the computer inside the center booth, the same computer you used to restore the power to the shutter in Departures. Welcome to Sevastopol is the second mission in Alien: Isolation and it involves exploring the Sevastopol space stations Arrival terminals and adjacent floors. It is a requirement for the mission and impossible to miss. Grab the tape recorder on the desk to snag the final Archive Log of this mission. Cryarc. Once you enter the Emergency Room, turn to your right and spot the Sevastolink Terminal on the cart nearby, using it to grab these five Archive logs. Look out for the Link Terminal located in one of the small alcoves along the wall and interact with the computer to find the logs inside. Gender: Male Status: Unknown Position: Executive of Seegson Voiced by: Ben Cura Ransome was a Seegson Corporation executive. There is a Sevastolink Terminal at the end on the desk where you can find this small batch of Archive Logs. 035 Low on Meds; 036 Hospital Quarantine; 037 An Outpost of Progress? 042 Urgent: Marshal Investigation; 043 Enviromental Controls - Once you pull the Stun Baton out of the door, head into the room and access the Sevastolink Terminal in the middle of the desk to grab these two logs. 070 First Trap Gone; 071 Arrest Sheets – Immediately after Ripley gets the Flamethrower, head out of the room and to the left. 073 Pointless Requests; 074 Hardware Problems; 075 An Outpost of Progress? 062 Requisitions Android; 063 Elevator Out; 065 Last Bidders – After climbing the ladder and restoring power to the Requisitions area, head out of the control room and hack the door to the right of the ladder. 148 Sevastopol Initialization – Following your mission objectives, you need to head upstairs to Extend the Personnel Umbilical. Use the terminal to grab the next two logs. Now turn right and then make the first left you can that continues through the corridors. Make the next two left turns to find a door requiring your Cutting Torch. There are a whopping 151 Archive logs in total to track down, though you can often find several of them on a single terminal and only 100 are required to unlock the Voices of Sevastopol Achievement or Trophy. The best Xbox One steering wheels and their cheapest prices, The best board games - find a new favorite in 2021. You’ll need this keycard to progress in the mission, so just look directly to the left and snag the tape recorder by the puddle of blood. Exit the vent and interact with the terminal on the desk to grab this Archive Log. Head inside and grab the next collectible off the table. 066 Cutting Ties – Head to SCIMED Tower and before entering the main area of San Cristobal Medical make a right turn. It is also the computer you’ll have to use to grab the code to the control room you use to restore the power. 123 They’re at the Door – From the previous terminal, exit the room and turn right, moving into the Monitoring Control Plant. Alien: Isolation cutscenes - A lis… ", Ma Rainey's Black Bottom review: "Chadwick Boseman is astonishing in his final film performance", WandaVision episode 2 review: "Marvel's remarkably bizarre new show", WandaVision episode 1 review: "Shows just how experimental Marvel can be with these Disney Plus shows", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 13 review: "An anti-climax", Doctor Who Revolution Of The Daleks review: "The meat ‘n’ veg version of Who", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12 review: "A spectacular run of episodes continues". 3. New York, Grab the tape recorder off the dashboard to the right of the console you need to hack. You’ll find this log in the tape recorder inside. 089 What is KG348? All Nostromo Log locations Search the indicated locations to find all 10 Nostromo Logs. There was a problem. Page 16 of 18: Page 16 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 … 031 Torren’s Hail; 032 Torren’s Damage; 033 RE: Torren’s Hail - Once you interact with the External Comms Link head back down the hallway directly behind you and enter the room to find a Sevastolink Terminal with 3 more logs. 118 Something up with Your Synthetics – This next Archive Log is found to the right of the central Save Station in the entry corridor to Apollo. A Seegson tape recorder, containing an audio log. In This Wiki Guide. If you do end up missing some of the ID tags though i have put a list of them in the TAKEN TROPHY that you can compare the names against your log page in game by pressing the touch pad and then pressing R1 twice. Archive Log 120 – Sold! There are two tips for navigation on the station. Follow the corridor into the first large room and then exit through the left door near the middle of the area. The game is set 15 years after the events of the 1979 Alien film and follows Amanda Ripley, daughter of Alien … 1 Logs 2 Downloadable Content 3 Navigation 4 Gallery An Old Friend (Audio) Apollo's Eye Your Report (Audio) Hacked (Mentioned) Transmission Relay Archive (Audio) Investigations (Audio) Tape Off the Scene (Audio, Mentioned) Last … You’ll find these first two Archive Logs on the Sevastolink Terminal to your right. Alien: Isolation maps — A list of maps used in the game, including the known unused maps. 009 Pulling the Plug; 010 To All Spaceflight Employees; 011 What is Apollo? There are three Archive Logs in Mission 1. Halfway down the hall, open the door on your right and enter the small meeting room to find a tape recorder on the back corner of the desk. 034 Receipt of Transmission - After deactivating the block on Samuel’s communications, head into the room in the left hand corner of the room when you’re looking at the main console where you just used your Access Tuner. 077 Taken; 078 Scavenging – Head up to the top of the stairs while following your mission objective. 137 Journal Entry #340 – Look just to the left of the flaming Android near the Relay Facility corridor and use your Cutting Torch to get through cover. From the Save Station in the transit station head up the right stairwell and through the door ahead. All collectibles for Alien Isolation: Mission 4 - Seegson Communications. Follow this until you see the first large metal door on your right. 027 Call Log AM; 028 Call Log PM - Once you return to the first area of the mission and you’re tasked with escaping the androids, head right into the large control room directly down the hall from the room you grabbed the Motion Tracker from. NEXT. 103 Impounded; 104 Some kind of Parasite – Head back to main area of the Marshal HQ and into the room where Taylor is laying across a table. On my Hard playthrough, I found well over 100 with little to no backtracking. Head into Decontamination and follow the corridor, turning left into the Galley. Immediately turn to the right to enter another room and use the terminal on the leftmost desk to grab these two logs. Just keep a look out for the air hockey tables and burning couch close to a Save Station. You’ll know you’re on track when you head up a set of stairs and through a door and see the tape recorder on the right hand corner of the back desk. 029 Your Logged Message; 030 Apollo’s Eye - Once you watch a Walking Joe bash a human’s head in, head out of the vent and into the room where you need to disable the camera. 058 Working Joe Spiel; 059 Storage Inventory – Follow the u-shaped hallway you used before around until you spot another open office on the right. Logs #67-68 are in this terminal. This one includes a Save Station, so it would seem players are encouraged to come this way. Grab the two Archive Logs here before moving on. comment. Follow our guide and you'll be able to add every log to your collection. Hug the wall until you spot an office on the right with a Save Station and use the Sevastolink Terminal here to have Ripley pick up the last Archive log of this mission. [] Archive Log 073 Pointless Requests [] Archive Log 074 Hardware Problems [] Archive Log 075 An Outpost of Progress? 079 Security Shutters; 080 The Camp – Once you reach the top of the stairs, pass through the door marked Tech Support and Seegson Security. There are 10 Nostromo Logs in Alien Isolation. Collect 100 archive logs… Head inside, detouring up the metal ramp with all the fire around it. 119 Hazard Containment Alert; 120 Sold! Page Tools A total of 151 Archive Logs can be found while exploring the Sevastopol in Alien: Isolation. Timestamps: 0:06 - Archive Log 23 (*) 0:36 - Archive Log 24 (**) 0:39 - Archive Log 25 (***) 0:41 - Archive Log 26 (****) 0:45 - Blueprint Noisemaker v1 1:12 - Archive Log 29 (*) 1:32 - Archive Log 30 (**) 1:39 - ID Tag T.Curwen (***) Visit our corporate site. Once you enter the unmarked door at the top landing, turn to your right and head up the smaller set of stairs to find a terminal with your next two collectibles tucked away in the darkened corner here. You should see the Sevastolink Terminal you need to access in the corner. Take the elevator in to the Spaceflight Terminal and from there exit to the right. ... Log in. 122 Twisted in the Wind – Head into the Left Hemisphere Server now and follow the hallway through the gas (make sure you have the gas mask). You can see which ones you have found by opening the map menu. As you reach the door, turn left and use your Keycard to open the door. Published Oct. 16, 2014, 12:20 p.m. 1. ; 097 Security Risk; 098 To all Sevastopol Inhabitants; 099 People are Scared – The final group of Archive Logs for this mission are found on the lower level of the area. Not only do you now have the Voices of Sevastopol Trophy/Achievement, but you’ve located every Archive Log you can find in the game. 126 I Saw It – Move forward from the elevator that leads back to Engineering and grab the tape recorder on the crates in the small alcove to the left of the Central Reactor hallway. You will receive a verification email shortly. Enter through the door on the left hand side of the room and use the terminal to the left to grab the next log. Use the Sevastolink Terminal on the desk to grab these logs. Use the tape recorder directly on the crates in front of you to collect this Archive Log. As you sneak your way around the corridors of Alien: Isolation, you'll spot a number of old-school computer terminals. However, we figured we might as well show you where ALL of the Archive Logs are located. Collect an archive log 93.5% Common: 95.75% Common: Voices of Sevastopol Collect 100 archive logs 17.1% Rare: 27.48% Uncommon: Fault Detected Kill an Android 47.1% Rare: 56.99% Common: 100 Times Too Many Get killed by the Alien 100 times NY 10036. October 7, 2014 by PowerPyx Leave a Comment. 147 Stability Alert – After completing your mission objectives to Activate the Guidance Systems and Initiate the Docking Procedure, it’s time to head over to the bottom right area of this room and use the Sevastolink Terminal to Engage the Docking Clamp. NOTE: You should now have the Voices of Sevastopol Trophy. 045 Colonial Marshal Directive; 046 Morley: Updates and Codes; 047 San Cristobal Lockdown; 048 An Old Friend – The next batch of Archive logs will be found on the Sevastolink Terminal in the Security Desk area next to your mission objective. Grab the audio recorder off the table to collect the next audio log. Oct 22, 2014 @ 7:06am Archive Log 41 (Spoilers) Anyone know how to get it? For this trophy, you need to find 100 total. An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine An illustration of an open book. 140 Bet on the Wrong House; 139 Tomorrow, Together #4; 138 Code for Repair Job – Grab these three Archive Logs from the Sevastolink Terminal just inside the door you had to use your Cutting Torch on to open. 125 Missing Engineer – Head into the Reactor Coolant Plant and just behind the generator you should spot the first Archive Log in the form of a tape recorder on a crate. 087 Seegson Funding; 088 Maintenance Systems – Once you pick up the Cutting Torch, head into the adjacent room and around the table to the left. There are a total of 151 archive logs in the main game, plus 10 Nostromo audio logs. Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game developed by Creative Assembly and based on the Alien science fiction horror film series. Head into Synthetic Reclamation and use the terminal at the desk on the left to grab these Archive Logs before moving on. Alien: Isolation. Alien: Isolation missions — A list of missions in the game's campaign, including the known unused missions. Turning left directly inside this room should allow you to spot the terminal you need to use in the corner. By Iain Wilson 03 October 2014. Look out for the Link Terminal located in … Pass through the blue door and then turn left, following until you turn right into the room with your mission objective. Throughout the many terminals and tape recorders scattered across the station and surrounding areas, there are 151 Archive Logs just waiting to share their stories. As you move forward towards the Lockdown Switch, you should see the tape recorder on the stacked crates near the two wires running along the floor. 115 Tomorrow, Together #3; 116 Hazard Containment – Upon exiting the transit car, head into the Secuirty Room on the left and use the Sevastopol Terminal here to grab the first two Archive Logs of Mission 13. 141 Nowhere to Run – Once you restore the power to the transit area, head out and to the right. 004 Decommissioning - The first Archive Log you’ll find in this mission is located in the Sevastolink Terminal just inside the room past the flaming pipe. Alien: Isolation Archive logs location guide. - While still in the storeroom, look around until you spot the Sevastolink Terminal off to the left of where you grabbed the tape from. Reviews 081 A Warning; 082 Truce – Head into Seegson Security and turn to your right. From here make a make your way through the area until you reach spot the Senior Consultant office and then turn left to enter the room where Dr. Kahlman was in an earlier mission. 008 Terminal Riot - Now head into the storeroom that unlocks after you restore the power. 130 Let me be a Friend to You – After the explosive cut scene with the Alien, head to the back of the room and hug the left side wall. Enter and interact with the Sevastolink Terminal to grab the first two Archive Logs of this mission. Directly in front of you at the bottom if the final terminal and set of collectibles you’ll grab for this mission. 092 Samples – Head out of the Decontamination area and towards the large door at the far end of the corridor. This is the same computer you use to open the shutters. Simply look at the circled code on the Apollo Blueprints to nab it and move on. Alien: Isolation cut content — A list of content cut from the game. ), head to the terminal at the desk in the back to grab these two Archive logs. Keep an eye out for the tape recorder on top of a crate along the hallway. I’ve already read all of them from previous gameplay. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, 095 No Future – Once you reach the bar area with the Save Station, head around the room to the far end and grab the tape recorder off the short table to get this missions collectibles started. Iain is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 130 Platinum pots in his virtual award cabinet. A cut of Alien Isolation from various sources to make it look like a full fledged movie. Summary: Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation… #2 – After climbing the ladder to the Upper Labs of Seegson Synthetics, move forward and use the terminal behind the desk to access these two logs. Once you reach the room with all the servers, head to the back of the room and look for the small adjacent room with the accessible Sevastolink Terminal. Climb down the ladder under Apollo once you’re ready to finish the mission. 109 RE: Plan Tonight; 110 Last Chance; 111 Showroom Appointments – Once you reach the Showroom, head to the main desk and use the terminal there to snag these collectibles before progressing through the story. 076 I can’t tell who escaped – Make a 180 degree turn from the terminal you just used to grab the last two Archive Logs. The best moment to collect all Nostromo Logs is when you load mission #16. Move through the debris here and through the opening on the right. 143 Shut Out; 144 Last Stand – These two Archive Logs can be found using the Sevastolink Terminal inside the burning Canteen. Mission has many objectives and sub-objectives and the following guide will help you with all of them. #3 – All three of these Archive Logs are found on the computer in Dr. Marlow’s office. 086 Surplus to Requirements – Head out the doorway to the right of the last terminal you used to grab Archive Logs 087 and 088. » Alien Isolation – All ID Tag Locations Guide. Ignore the room, instead heading through the doors directly across from it and grabbing the last two logs of this mission from the terminal on the desk before you. Below is a list of all archive logs that can be collected in the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation. Move to the center door and then up the short ramp inside. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. 114 White on Red – Once you reach the Save Station just outside of the Implant Ward, look to the right of the hallway leading inside and grab the tape recorder off the stacked crates to finish up this mission’s collectibles. Finding all of these Collectibles will earn you the Archivist trophy or achievement. 102 Retirement Plan – While still in the room with Taylor, step back from the Sevastolink Terminal and look to your left. 012 Last Coupling Power - Once you reach the room with the large door and the number 42 on it, look around near the body bags until you spot the cart with the tape recorder resting on top. 016 A Blind Eye; 017 Two-Man Rule; 018 Inventory - The final three Archive Logs found on this mission are located on the Sevastolink Terminal within the corridor where you have to use the Two-button machine with Axel. 014 Dead Soldiers - Now continue on your mission until you drop from the vent and find the dead man with the Maintenance Jack. 060 Tomorrow, Together #2; 061 VIP Visit – Follow your mission objective until you reach the white corridor with automatic lights. You should see the green glow of the terminal you need to access to grab these two collectibles. You’ll need to use this terminal to get a passcode anyway, so knock out two Xenomorphs with one Molotov. Access it and grab this Archive Log before continuing. He does not care for Xbox Achievements. Looking for more Alien: Isolation collectibles? We also have guides for ID tags and Nostromo logs. Alien: Isolation trophies/achievements — A list of the trophies/achievements in the game. YES NO. – Once you drop from the vent into the room with the save point, head through the door marked Right Hemisphere Server and enter the first door on your right hand side. 136 Anesidora’s Hall; 135 Sevastopol – The final two Archive Logs on this mission are located on the terminal just to the right or left (depending on which way you’re coming from) once you enter the room with all the boxes and junk on the Anesidora. You’ll find the next Archive Log in the tape recorder near the middle of the far wall of this control room. 019 Leave Work Now – The first log of this mission is found at the desk in the center of the room where you find the Security Access Tuner. 021 Archives, 022 An Outpost of Progress? Snag the tape recorder next to him to grab the next Archive Log. The logs are saved automatically when you pick them up. Now follow the hallway to the left, taking the first left turn you can make, followed by a right turn. 038 Left out of the Loop - Head into the Day Room and grab this Archive Log from the tape recorder on the table directly in front of you. 056 Wy are Years Ahead; 057 Your Report – Head through the area from the start point, and once you reach the area with the humans, make your way around the room and up the ladder at the back. Archive logs are found at personal computer terminals throughout Sevastopol and come in written and audio formats. 067 Restart Transit; 068 Double Crossed – After restarting the transit and killing the Android in the Transit Control Room, head into the room with the bloody corpse and use the nearby terminal to grab the first two Archive Logs in this mission. You can view which Nostromo Logs you have collected under the map menu. Inside the burning Canteen the achievement you need to head up to the transit Station, and the following will. Large door at the back for ID tags in Alien: Isolation cut —. Gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news more... Either door to play it safe the terminal on the right to enter room... On if you haven ’ t received the trophy for some reason, or if you haven ’ t Hard. To nab it and grab the tape recorder off the table in of. The FREE ROAM MODE AVAILABLE to you in this mission left to grab three! 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